The demon Malphas (Malpas) is a Fallen Angel and 39th of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. Malphas is a powerful president in HELL who appears first as a crow and then, when commanded, as a human who speaks in a hoarse voice. He skillfully builds houses and high towers and brings down the temples and towers of enemies. He will bring deceivers together quickly. He destroys the desires, thoughts, and accomplishments of anyone’s enemies. Malphas gives good Familiars. He will receive a sacrifice kindly but then deceive the one who offers it. Malphas commands 40 legions of Demons.
From the “Dictionnaire Infernal” (edition of 1863 ) Written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy
Malphas, grand président des enfers, qui apparaît sous la forme d’un corbeau. Quand il se montre avec la figure humaine, le son de sa voix est rauque ; il bâtit des citadelles et des tours inexpugnables, renverse les remparts ennemis, fait trouver de bons ouvriers, donne des esprits familiers, reçoit des sacrifices et trompe les sacrificateurs : quarante légions lui obéissent.
Translation from above: Malphas, great president of the underworld, who appears in the form of a crow. When he shows himself with the human figure, the sound of his voice is hoarse; he built impregnable citadels and towers, overthrew enemy ramparts, had good workers found, gave familiar spirits, received sacrifices and deceived the priests: forty legions obeyed him.
Malphas as depicted in Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition.